Assista a Performance de Estelle com o Single "Thank You" no Programa do "Tonight Show with Jay Leno"
Veja Tracklist do Albúm "All Of Me" que Será Lançado no Dia 28 de Fevereiro:
1. “The Life”
2. “International (Serious)” feat. Chris Brown and Trey Songz
3. “You and I”
4. “Love the Way We Used To”
5. “Cold Crush”
6. “Don’t Break It”
7. “Break My Heart” feat. Rick Ross
8. “Thank You”
9. “Who We Are”
10. “Wonderful Life”
11. “Found My Way…”
12. “Back to Love”
13. “Blue Skies”
14. “Speak Ya Mind”
15. “Do My Thing” feat. Janelle Monáe
Faixa "Thank You" é o Atual Single de Trabalho de Estelle!